NOVEMBER 1ST 2019 KANNADA RAJYOTHSAVA CELEBRATIONS Kannada Rajyothsava was celebrated amidst great fervor.,the day highlighted the love and pride for the state and its language. This year rajyothsava celebrations were dedicated to Dr Rajkumar who was a well-known actor and singer in Karnataka and who contributed immensely to the Kannada film industry and with his [...]


International Financial Reporting Standards

October 16th 2019 – Guest lecture in International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) by Prof Geetha Subramanya Darshan First Grade Evening College on the topic "Presentation of Financial Statements" to VI Sem B Com Students

International Financial Reporting Standards2021-05-15T06:21:37+05:30

National Level Workshop

October 15th – National Level Workshop II BCA 4 students Javeriya Fathima H, P Sheema, Umme Hani and Aslaha Farhath participated in the National Level Workshop on" Data Analysis and Visualization using R Programming organized by Department of Computer Science and Applications RJS first Grade College, Koramangala Bengaluru.

National Level Workshop2021-05-15T06:21:55+05:30

Annual Alumni Meet 2019-20

October 12th 2019 Annual Alumni Meet Annual Alumni meet like every year was held to facilitate a strong healthy association between Alumni and College. Principal and IQAC member Mr. Syed Tahsin Ahmed KAS (Rtd) interacted with the students as the college is climbing the ladder, requested the Alumni to be part of the development and [...]

Annual Alumni Meet 2019-202024-12-09T11:20:13+05:30

Parents Meeting

12-09-2019      BBA 13--09-2019      B Com 14-09-2019     BA 16 09-2019      BCA Following topics were discussed Importance of student’s attendance in the class. Parents were also requested to keep in touch with the class mentors for their ward's progress. Importance of daily studying at home. Students were motivated to participate in the co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Parents were informed about the [...]

Parents Meeting2023-06-24T15:33:32+05:30
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