Hindi Divas – September 14th 2017

The students and staff of our degree college celebrated Hindi Diwas in the campus. It was on September 14th in 1949 that the constituent assembly of India adopted Hindi written in Devanagari Script as the official language in 1949. To mark this day the staff and students spoke in Hindi the entire day.

Program was arranged in the college auditorium to appreciate and celebrate our National language, The whole program was conducted in chaste Hindi.

Students recited poetry sang songs briefed the audience with the history and journey of Hindi from the ancient times when all great epics, drama, and poetry were written in Hindi to the modern times.

Mr A Nisar Hameed Senior-sub editor Rajasthan Patrika Hindi Daily and Mr Jeevendra Jha Senior chief sub editor Rajasthan Patrika were the guests for the occasion. Mr Jeevendra Jha in his speech said as Hindi is widely spoken, easy to communicate and also acts like bridging the gap language. If a nation needs to progress it is necessary to improve language and maintain its purity.

Mr A Nisar Hameed stressed on importance of getting educated in order to ensure that future of nation is strong which strengthens families builds and nurtures the next generation.

The occasion also served as a patriotic reminder to everyone present of common roots and unity.